Monday, January 23, 2017

Capture the Flag Rules

1.    Split the kids into two even teams.

2.    Divide the playing area into equal-sized territories, one for each team.

3.    In the back of each territory, use a long jump rope to make a circle on the ground that will house the flag.  The two circles need to be the same distance from the center line.  Place one flag into each circle.  These circles are called flag safe zones.  Each side of the playing area will be a mirror image of the other.

4.    The object of the game is to steal the other team’s flag and bring it over the center line to your territory without getting tagged.

5.    When a player is in the opposing team's territory, he can be tagged by that team's players. If they tag him, he must “freeze” and not move until he is tagged by a teammate.  After his teammate tags him, he must walk back to his own territory with both hands above his head before he re-enters his opposing team’s territory.

6.    If a player is in her own territory or if she is inside the flag safe zone, she is safe and can’t be tagged by the opposing team members. 

7.    Teams can't guard their flags too closely. Players can’t be within 5 feet of their flag safe zone unless they are chasing an opposing team's player.

8.  Players may not pass/throw the flag to other teammates unless they are inside the flag safe zones.