Friday, January 20, 2017

Deck of Cards Workout Challenge K-3rd

Put the kids in teams of 4-6.  Have each team sit in a circle.  Deal 1 card per person.  The students take turns looking at their cards and completing the exercises that correspond with their cards.  After all have gone, deal again.  First team to finish their deck wins. 
Equipment needed: 4 decks of cards, 4 small agility hurdles

Ace-Jump as high as you can 10 times.
King-March in place with high knees for 10 seconds
Queen-Run in place for 10 seconds.
Jack-10 Jumping Jacks
Club-Jump over hurdle that number of times.
Diamond-Complete that number of push-ups.
Heart-Run around your team that number of times.

Spade-Complete that number of sit-ups.